Friday, March 13, 2009

Liberal Party of Canada ...

...should be charged with crimes against humanity

During 1966, 67 and 68, the Liberal Party of Canada were responsible for endangering the lives of thousands of Canadian. In 1966 and 67 the Liberal Party under the umbrella and power of “government” authorized the importation of special mix of Agent Orange to be tested at C.F.B Gagetown.

We all know the out come of this action, we know that farmers were paid off because this very toxic herbicide drifted onto their crops , the “government” purchased all crops on these fields so they could be destroyed, thus confirming that the consumption of this produce was not good for human consumption.

We have learned since that many health issues have come to pass from the spraying of Agent Orange and not to mention many questionable deaths.

Then again in 1968 under the watch of the liberal party of Canada, they authorized the use or testing of Mustard Gas at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Suffield Alberta. What kind of people is in the Liberal party that would let these two incidences take place?
I have no other choice, but to point at the Liberal Party of Canada as being nothing more than totally responsible for these very disgusting acts. Were they ever held accountable? No! and why not?

As far as I am concerned the Liberal Party of Canada should never be trusted with the power to govern in Canada again, they should be charged with crimes against humanity. Those civilian's employed to work on the base at that time were told to visit their provincial Workers Compensation Boards, good luck going there.

Letter To Minister Greg Thompson

Letter to Minister of Veterans Affairs

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Minister of Veterans Affairs: ( Minister's office is: 613-943-5151 )

Dear Minister Greg Thompson .

On February 19, 2004, the Minister of National Defence and Veterans Affairs recognized Canadian service personal from the Suffield, Alberta who were placed in harms way , when Chemical Warfare Agents were tested on them.

The National Defence Department and Veterans Affairs made a onetime payout of 24,000 tax free dollars to these personal . This amount of 24 thousand, is in addition to any disability pension benefits to which they would also be entitled.The situation is similar, to the Agent Orange used in 1966 and 1967, it too was a Chemical Warfare Agent ,used in the Vietnam War.

Except those involved at CFB Gagetown were never informed or asked if they were willing to take part in such test program.When the British Battalion “The Green Howards” along with many other foreign troops who came to train at CFB Gagetown, they too were never informed, why? How could the Canadian Government continue to let troops be trained in these contaminated areas at CFB Gagetown and why did it take so many years for this situation to be brought to the public‘s attention?

What is needed now, is a full blown public inquiry, because those citizens who live in and around CFB Gagetown deserve some answers also. Like why were the farmers compensated for crop damage and not those who had small family vegetable gardens, in the same area? Was it ok in the eyes of the government for those citizens to eat contaminated crops, while it was not safe for the farmers, and why the difference in concern?

One can only take the position, that if the government paid for the contaminated crops of those farmers who were unlucky enough to be in the drift area of the Agent Orange, then the Department of National Defence knew how deadly this chemical was. Therefore the Canadian taxpayer must be given an answer to why the government of Canada and the government of New Brunswick, permitted the use of this Warfare Chemical.

Then the question arises, should the province of New Brunswick be charged with breaching the Geneva Protocol, which Canada was a signature to in 1930? After all this vile warfare chemical , Agent Orange must have received the ok from the provincial government as well as the Federal government. We know that their was also a court case, whereby New Brunswick Power was sued for using Agent Orange and that the health of their employees was jeopardized.

Those employees did receive a settlement from NB Power, once again this is just another indication that Agent Orange has been recognised as a deadly chemical.All parliamentarians, in Ottawa are still avoiding those people who were placed in harms way and they have displayed their true colours this past week, when they spent their time and taxpayers dollars discussing a millionaire hockey players vocabulary problems. Who really cares, if Shane Doan told someone to f… off?

If this is any indication of how parliamentary committees function, then god help us.The question I put to all four political parties is this, do you have the will to address the Agent Orange situation and will you strike a committee looking into it ASAP? Agent Orange might seem like it is not an important issue for politicians, but trust me, it is , Canadians are watching.

The people who were employed at CFB Gagetown during the year 1966 and 1967 are being ignored by the department of National Defence and Canadian Veterans Affairs.


Wayne Coady

21 Ashgrove Avenue Cole Harbour Nova Scotia Canada B2V 1Z2 (902)434-9306

Liberal Party of Canada ...

...should be charged with crimes against humanity

During 1966, 67 and 68, the Liberal Party of Canada were responsible for endangering the lives of thousands of Canadian. In 1966 and 67 the Liberal Party under the umbrella and power of “government” authorized the importation of special mix of Agent Orange to be tested at C.F.B Gagetown.

We all know the out come of this action, we know that farmers were paid off because this very toxic herbicide drifted onto their crops , the “government” purchased all crops on these fields so they could be destroyed, thus confirming that the consumption of this produce was not good for human consumption.

We have learned since that many health issues have come to pass from the spraying of Agent Orange and not to mention many questionable deaths.

Then again in 1968 under the watch of the liberal party of Canada, authorized the use or testing of Mustard Gas at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Suffield Alberta. What kind of people is in the Liberal party that would let these two incidences take place?
I have no other choice, but to point at the Liberal Party of Canada as being nothing more than totally responsible for these very disgusting acts. Were they ever held accountable? No! and why weren’t

As far as I am concerned the Liberal Party of Canada should never be trusted with the power to govern in Canada again, they should be charged with crimes against humanity.

Minister of Veterans Affairs

The Flag Flies Upside Down ... because Canada is living a big lie.

September 14, 2007
Greg Thompson, ( Minister of Veterans Affairs )
Member of Parliament

Peter Stoffer of the NDP has taken an aggressive stance against you and has called for your resignation at any opportunity he has had, with media here in the Halifax area, and, I presume, across Canada, as his party's Defence critic.

I was a member of the Royal Canadian Army in 1966, 67 and stationed at Gagetown during the time Agent Orange and other carcinogens were showered so liberally on unsuspecting Canadians.

I am not a supporter of ANY political party and, therefore, I will not stand for any politician using my life's circumstances to advance their political profile ... in fact, I find it reprehensible. Any politician who would stoop to this is the lowest of the low, in my opinion.

That said, it is precisely this cheap political gamesmanship that has made me recognize that political parties exist only for themselves. My faith and trust in what should be my government has long been nullified by such feigned expressions of umbrage, ostensibly on my behalf, in order to score points with the public.
Is this how Canadians are defined ... as a people prepared to sacrifice other Canadians by placing them in harm's way?

If it is, I am disgusted and ashamed to call myself "Canadian". Personally, I am apathetic about the amount of money you and the Department of Veteran's Affairs have offered to those afflicted as the final result of some politician's cavalier and careless regard for the lives of their fellow Canadians.

For your government to quantify the value of a life, with such an amount, is a slap in the face to everyone affected, to be sure ... but, for any politician, such as MP Peter Stoffer to attempt to make political points with the public, is just as big an affront.

It is disturbing and disgusting to think that MY government would allow and encourage the dispersement of those "rainbow" chemicals used so liberally in 1966 , 1967, and beyond ... while these same chemicals were outlawed for testing in the United States on that country's military.

I will never, ever forget or forgive this country for allowing some bureaucrat to believe that I, and all others who were exposed to these poisonous and life altering carcinogens, am no better than a lab rat.

My silence is not for sale .... nor will I be satisfied, until there is a full, expository inquiry into why this was ever allowed ...and further compounded by being part of a cover-up for the past forty one years. .

All political parties in Ottawa and the bureaucracy,are complicit in this cover-up.


Wayne A. Coady

CC: M.P Peter Stoffer

Art Connolly Vice President AOAC

Members of The House of Commons

Wayne Coady, Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia . B2V1Z2 (902) 434-9306

Minister of Veterans Affairs

The Flag Flies Upside Down ... because Canada is living a big lie.

September 14, 2007
Greg Thompson, ( Minister of Veterans Affairs )
Member of Parliament

Peter Stoffer of the NDP has taken an aggressive stance against you and has called for your resignation at any opportunity he has had, with media here in the Halifax area, and, I presume, across Canada, as his party's Defence critic.

I was a member of the Royal Canadian Army in 1966, 67 and stationed at Gagetown during the time Agent Orange and other carcinogens were showered so liberally on unsuspecting Canadians.

I am not a supporter of ANY political party and, therefore, I will not stand for any politician using my life's circumstances to advance their political profile ... in fact, I find it reprehensible. Any politician who would stoop to this is the lowest of the low, in my opinion.

That said, it is precisely this cheap political gamesmanship that has made me recognize that political parties exist only for themselves. My faith and trust in what should be my government has long been nullified by such feigned expressions of umbrage, ostensibly on my behalf, in order to score points with the public.
Is this how Canadians are defined ... as a people prepared to sacrifice other Canadians by placing them in harm's way?

If it is, I am disgusted and ashamed to call myself "Canadian". Personally, I am apathetic about the amount of money you and the Department of Veteran's Affairs have offered to those afflicted as the final result of some politician's cavalier and careless regard for the lives of their fellow Canadians.

For your government to quantify the value of a life, with such an amount, is a slap in the face to everyone affected, to be sure ... but, for any politician, such as MP Peter Stoffer to attempt to make political points with the public, is just as big an affront.

It is disturbing and disgusting to think that MY government would allow and encourage the dispersement of those "rainbow" chemicals used so liberally in 1966 , 1967, and beyond ... while these same chemicals were outlawed for testing in the United States on that country's military.

I will never, ever forget or forgive this country for allowing some bureaucrat to believe that I, and all others who were exposed to these poisonous and life altering carcinogens, am no better than a lab rat.

My silence is not for sale .... nor will I be satisfied, until there is a full, expository inquiry into why this was ever allowed ...and further compounded by being part of a cover-up for the past forty one years. .

All political parties in Ottawa and the bureaucracy,are complicit in this cover-up.


Wayne A. Coady

CC: M.P Peter Stoffer

Art Connolly Vice President AOAC

Members of The House of Commons

Wayne Coady, Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia . B2V1Z2 (902) 434-9306

Senate of Canada

April 14, 2007 RETURN TO HOME PAGE
Senate Of Canada
280-F, Centre Block
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A4

Dear Honourable Senator Noel A. Kinsella:

I’m writing the Senate on behalf of those injured workers who don’t have a voice ~ or at least for those whose voices have fallen on the deaf ears of politicians who author laws based on political considerations ~ rather than morals, ethics or empathy.

I ask that the Senate, not try to excuse themselves or the Federal Government, by saying the federal government, has no jurisdiction over the Workers Compensation Laws in Canada. You might not have jurisdiction, but as a full partner, the federal government has the right to intervene as an employer.

The fact of the matter is, the Federal government is a full partner in this vile legislation. Every Federal government department, is a stakeholders, because they (Feds) receive the full protection under this provincial law. All injured employees, of the federal government and their departments are required by law to file accident reports, in the province they reside as employers.

I have noted that when the provincial governments hold their reviews of their legislation, those stakeholder involved all are present, except there is no representation from the federal government, why?

This is a government that, at all levels, has increasingly become populated by professionals who have joined the political parties, that have usurped, what once was government for and by the people.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, our governments have become out of touch and unresponsive to the real needs of the people. Injured workers are real people and citizens who by way of a bad faith law, are abused by a system that professes to be their protector.

Injured workers in Canada are one of the sole partners of the Act, not all injured workers are represented, on the board of directors of the WCB, more often you will find that trade union and government unions who along with the business community sit on these boards.

Unions have the same interest as do the business community and government departments,because they also are protected and benefit from the legislation, as they are employers also.

I find it insulting that unions who hold seats on these WCB Boards, also can be found unionizing the staff of the WCB, surely they are in a position of conflict of interest. Then one must take into consideration that not all workers and employers who come under the WCB legislation belong to any union.

The professionals I refer to are the lawyers and doctors who have joined the professional politicians, whose aim is to establish tenure for themselves and, in some instances, their progeny. The motivating force behind these dynasties has to be the money, power and perks that accrue as one becomes entrenched within the system.

And why not ? Lawyers come from a profession that has been granted the right to police its members ( Barrister’s Society ) and similar privileges are extended to inoculate medical doctors from censure by any means other than the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

All very tidy and protective. Even the most blatant examples of abuse by erring members of these professions have gone unpunished ~ or, with the proverbial "slap on the wrist".

Those of you in the senate or parliament, who would disagree that the public perception is wrong are, yet again, demonstrating just how "out of touch" you really are. In Canada today, the myth is proclaimed and perpetuated that there is good government .

Good for whom? Mostly for the professionals and their professional societies that have been granted the right to administer their own law, as it pertains to their profession. Who granted that right?

Answer: Government, through legislative action by its members. Who are those members? Many come from the membership rolls of the very same societies who benefit from their protective legislation . Proving again that, in some instances, "incest IS best". The highly deserving and august professionals I refer to are, ostensibly, the" cream of the crop"~ lawyers and doctors trained to the nth degree in the intricacies of your professions but without , one must suspect, of never having been exposed to the nuances of morals, ethics and, particularly, empathy as you made your way through university.

The public perception, I’m sure , is that all of you professionals should be more than capable of shouldering the responsibilities inherent in government ~but you have unfailingly demonstrated the opposite, time and again by the results. Injured workers have been committing suicide because of the abusive and bad faith law called the Workers Compensation Act.

Government is probably one of the best illustrations of that old saw, " The Ark was built by an amateur but, .... the TITANIC was built by professionals !"
Considering all the training professionals have undergone, I would like to know when, and under what circumstances, they were dumbed down enough to author and ratify the laws that allow the WCB to go about its business in the manner it does in all the provinces in Canada?

I can’t believe any of you would stoop so low as to cheat on those courses you took that culminated in your being granted degrees.

That said, I can only conclude that the bad faith legislation you were either a party to or tacitly endorse today, is not the result of a mistake or any error in judgement. I call upon the Canadian Senate and all Members of Parliament to uphold the Human Rights Act, you expect other countries to abide by.

To the Senate of Canada, I ask that you set in place a committee, to review the Workers Compensation Boards and laws in every province in Canada where the federal government is a partner and stakeholder. I would hope, the federal government, would not want to be apart of Human Rights abuse, while being the authors of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

No ~ this legislation was maliciously calculated to confuse and confound those injured workers ~with legitimate claims who have been forced to rely on the Workman’s Compensation Board.This is the same WCB whose sole purpose, as they daily demonstrate, is to denigrate, intimidate and deny those claimants their legal, rightful and moral entitlements.

My attitudes toward you are borne out ~ indeed, validated ~ by NINE justices of the Supreme Court of Canada who have cited Nova Scotia WCB legislation as flawed in virtually every area.They have gone so far as to call WCB legislation unconstitutional.

The Dorsey Report in Nova Scotia spelled out clearly what must be done to repair the bad faith legislation, embodied in Bill 122, that was thrown together without any thought for the situations faced by injured workers, here in Nova Scotia There have been reviews ,in every other province, with a similar outcome, as that of James Dorsey.

AND don’t use that tired, old excuse," I was not part of that government at that time." Those of you who sit in the people’s Parliament were charged to correct and deal with Bad Faith Legislation. I pray that you find the will, to address this vile law and reply to my letter. It would be most welcoming to hear that the Canadian Senate will set in place a committee to review all WCB Boards and legislation in Canada, because the Federal Government is a stakeholder.

I want the Senate to forgive me if I come off as if I am against educated professionals, I do how ever find it very difficult to excuse those who turn a blind eye on this abuse.

Thank You for your time and patients.

Wayne Coady

CC: Provincial Ministers of Labour
Federal minister of Labour
Members of the Canadian Parliament

21 Ashgrove Avenue Cole Harbour Nova Scotia Canada B2V 1Z2 (902)434-9306