Lillian Carr, 40 year employee of Hershey Canada....
...loses hearing because of employment, then gets abused by Worksafe Nova Scotia / WCB .
Lillian suffers from a loss of hearing due to years of working around very noisy machinery while employed for 40 years with Hershey Canada ( Moirs Plant ). Even though she was supported by all the required medical evidence, the Nova Scotia Workers Compensation Board, Hershey Canada and her union the Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers International Union tossed her way... WHY ?
....................Video #1 ...............Video #2
In 2004, I managed to get Hershey Canada ( Moirs Plant ) to buy Lillian a hearing aid. Then the Nova Scotia Workers Compensation Board has purchased her two since. The last one just this month ( February 2009 ).
Therefore I would suggest that since they now recognise Lillians hearing loss, they might wish to honour her with the compensation benefits own to her, since 1992.
Lillian was accepted onto CPP Disability without any problem and that is what she lived on since, without CPP, the WCB would have downloaded her onto Community Services.
Please listen to Lillian Carr's brief story , and keep in mind, this could be you, your mother or your grandmother. Lets stop the abuse on injured workers like Lillian.