Wednesday, May 7, 2008

John could take no more WCB abuse or their intimidation

This was one of the hardest interviews I ever had with a family of an injured worker. You see he resorted to taking his own life, all because he could no longer take the cruel treatment of the Workers Compensation Board. His widow told me the abusive WCB process was worse than the pain from his injuries, she said it was constant intimidation, informing him he was going to be cut off benefits and that was one promise they did keep.

The reason it was so difficult for me, his widow opened up a photo album and commenced showing me the life she and her husband had before his workplace accident. The last two pages were about his death and how it ended.She wanted you to see for yourself.

This is how it ended, at their summer cottage,in 2006. His compensation pain ended.
We were asked by John's family to obscure his face a bit as this memory is still painful . In accordance with their wishes we have done so.

This my fellow Nova Scotian’s and Canadians, his how John ended his life and all because his caseworker decided she had every right to over rule the medical evidence provided by three attending physicians . Oh yes , John’s widow did end up with a payout , but only because John’s doctors threatened to go public and hold a news conference.

John’s widow is remarried now, but she did offer me this picture today to post on my site and it is her wish that more families come forward and tell their story about how they suffered at the hands of the WCB. She knows for a fact that there are many more just like her husband who has committed suicide while in the WCB Program .

I intend to meet again with John's widow, because you haven't heard the complete story on this one yet. His widow tells me that the documents in her husband's file speak for themselves.... volumes , in fact, of how her husband was used and abused by the WCB ... and she wants everyone to see the facts.

I can't help thinking that the WCB reminds me of the worst pedophile ... who doesn't want anyone to know who they really are and how they treat others.
The secrecy is ending right here .... right now.

This story will continue …..

Contributed by Wayne Coady
Spokesperson for : Injured and Abused Workers Coalition

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

WCB's Nancy MacCready-Williams … DUBIOUS DISTINCTION

There was a time when, to be a recipient of a meritorious award, it meant someone was being singled out for their bravery, good deeds or heroism … laudable efforts worthy of high praise for someone who had gone above and beyond to achieve something out of the ordinary on behalf of his fellow man.

Martha Stewart, in her laconic style, might call this award “A good thing”, without knowing the facts.

In Nova Scotia, “laudable” was twisted into “laughable” by the Atlantic Business Magazine who recently decided to recognize Nancy MacCready-Williams, the current CEO of one of the most fraudulent organizations ever to be legitimized by current and past governments of this province, for her work.

In this instance, though, the award is laughable when one considers the context within which it was earned … there is nothing worthy of laughter here. Tears and anger are more apropos for such shameful achievements.

I don’t recall Dr. Josef Mengele ever being awarded the Nobel Prize for his discoveries in medicine … as the result of experiments conducted on hapless inmates of Auschwitz.And, certainly, Osama Bin Ladan is a doubtful choice for any humanitarian awards from B’nai Brith.

So, why in hell did the business community in Nova Scotia second an award to the head of Nova Scotia Workers Compensation Board as one of Atlantic Canada’s Top CEO’s?

Curiosity causes one to wonder what criteria were used in the selection process. Was Ms MacCready-Williams adjudicated simply on the number of claimants denied, or, more particularly, on the numbers of dollars snatched from the hands of those injured and dead that were unfortunate enough to have WCB “coverage” through their employers?

Any other reason is superfluous when one considers the history of the WCB in Nova Scotia and how it has developed its doubtful reputation ( deserved) for its (less than fair) dealings with claimants.

Or, perhaps, the award is based on WCB efforts and abilities to destroy the lives of injured workers and their dependants? Or is there a separate category for this achievement? Certainly, some credit should be awarded for WCB efforts at building their numbers of bankrupted and foreclosed claimants who had looked to their organization for an income. Better yet, how about the numbers of suicides instigated by their arbitrary denials to claimants? Surely, that success must be worthy of an award.

We have here an agency (of the government, mind you) that exists for itself, apparently. Hundreds of MILLIONS in its bank accounts being added to each time the WCB manages to deny an injured worker what is lawfully and morally his/her due.

This is fraud of the first order … duping workers out of their legal rights while protecting employers from legal action because they pay an “insurance premium” … collected, supposedly, to “cover” the very same workers the WCB takes exemplary effort in denying. This, then, begs the question as to where the distinction lies between what role the WCB performs … as compared to any one of a number of “protection rackets” owned and operated by Organized Crime … who, likewise, have no compunction in making money at the expense of the dead and injured.

Recently, the Nova Scotia WCB was roundly criticized for the way it does business by none other than James Dorsey, Q.C., a lawyer from B.C. who specializes in this area of the law. He made no bones about those improvements he felt should be made, posthaste, to make this vile agency into something acting more fairly and equitably with injured claimants. This, in spite of the fact he was paid part of the 2.5 million dollars (your tax dollars, again) to render an “objective” summation of WCB practices. His conclusions were not what the government expected or wanted to hear, evidently.

Sad but true ...and, always "legal"... these legislated employer insurance providers, (W.C.B. Boards) are well known for their demonstrated incompetence, mismanagement, bungling, deceit, apathy, political meddling,( all expressed in the Dorsey Report) and their obvious bad faith actions ... excused and masked as innocent omissions while, in reality demonstrating the worst kind of cynicism and hypocrisy.

To date, none of his recommendations have been implemented voluntarily and the government of the day has not pushed either …indicating its lack of political will and disdain for ethics, as usual.

The organization (WCB) continues, without compunction, to deny deserving claimants their legal and moral rights … with tacit approval from a government that continually coddles the business community with handouts from tax coffers while keeping a blind eye to WCB practices.

Perhaps, given the input from the government and cooperation from government unions, Nancy MacCready-Williams should share her award.

Ms. MacCready-Williams Bio..Alumni Appointee, 2006-2009 Member, Human Resources Committee and Academic Affairs & Research Committee She's a lady of the law.

Contributed by:
Wayne Coady
Spokesperson :Injured and Abused Workers Coalition