We Need The Help Of The Nova Scotia Medical Society
Injured Workers In Nova Scotia Call Out To The Nova Scotia Medical Society .
Read the story of DR.DAVID KUNTZ
Meet The Board of Directors of The Nova Scotia Medical Scoiety
Doctors Nova Scotia 2008-2009 Board of Directors
Front row, l-r: Dr. Barry Clarke, Dr. Frances Moriarty, Board chair and Past-President Dr. Don Pugsley, President Dr. Don Wescott, Dr. Jane Brooks, Dr. Allan Purdy, and Dr. Mike Fleming. Back row, l-r: Dr. Christine Dipchand, Dr. Umesh Prabhu, Dr. Andrew Wawer, Blair Williams, Dr. A. Laine Green, Dr. John Finley, Dr. John Chiasson, Dr. Minoli Ami and CEO Doug Clarke.Missing from photo is President-Elect Dr. Ross Leighton.
Injured worker advocate calls on the Nova Scotia Medical Society and the Nova Scotia College of Physicians to intervene in the abuse of “their” injured patients, who are forced to become chattel of the very abusive Nova Scotia Workers Compensation Board.
Wayne Coady is calling for both organizations which all practicing physician belongs to, to step up to the plate and help stop the abuse injured workers are forced to endure at the hands of this bad faith WCB system.
Physician and Psychologists who attend to these injured workers know full well that mental abuse is taking place. The medical community is well aware that injured workers have and still are to this day committing suicide because of the mental abuse being delivered by this very sick Workers Compensation system we have in Canada.
Coady suggest that maybe Doctors With-out Boarders start doing a little humanitarian work right here at home, and bring and end to this brutal organization called the Associations of Workers Compensation Boards of Canada .