Saturday, December 6, 2008

Meet The Hired Guns Of The Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia

The Following People Are Deeply Involved In Overseeing The Abuse Of Injured Workers Here In Nova Scotia! Is Their No Shame ?

As the old saying goes it takes a community to raise a child !

But on the other hand ....

One could say it takes the whole Nova Scotia Compensation Board with the tacit approval of the Department of Labour, Unions who are appointed to sit on this Board as Directors, a very complicit Human Rights Commissioner , the Ombudsman for the Nova Scotia and a Medical Community that knows this abuse has been taking place for years to make it happen!

My question to the politicians is WHY?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Meet The Hired Guns Of Worksafe British Columbia & WCB Nova Scotia

It is Time For Injured Workers To Take A Stand Against Union Abuse

These Video's is in memory of fallen injured workers , who were forced to commit suicide by the faith actions of the Union Backed Canadian Workers Compensation System and The Associations of Workers Compensation Boards of Canada. The Canadian Labour Congress and "Their" Provincial Labour Federations who sit on the Board of Directors of these vile Government Boards.

Worksafe B.C

Please Visit : B.C Coroners Inquest into the suicide if Injured Worker Mr. Kang

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The CLC and Federation of Labour In On The Abuse Of Injured Workers.

The N.D.P, The CLC and All Federation of Labour Organization In On The Abuse Of Injured Workers.

N.D.P , M.P Thomas Mulcair On The Rights of Canadian Citizens

N.D.P , M.P Thomas Mulcair On The Rights of Canadian Citizens

The NDP profess to be the party of the little guy. Tommy Douglass always liked to tell the story about Mouseland and the fat cats. If Tommy Douglass were alive today would Tommy take a stand and help injured workers end the abuse being administer by the “FAT CATS, employed in these unionized Workers Compensation Boards?

Or would Tommy Douglass do as Jack Layton is doing today, help the labour movement, Canadian Labour Congress and the Provincial Federations of Labour cover up the abuse taking place at the hands of the Unionized Workers Compensation Board? Would Tommy Douglass inform those appointed Union Reps who sit on the Board of Directors of these vile Bad Faith Boards to end the abuse, and stop approving the bad faith policies which is killing injured workers?

Wayne Coady recorded Question Period on Parliament Hill today ( Dec 1 , 2008), and you will hear New Democratic Party Member of Parliament M.P. Thomas Mulcair pointing the finger at the Conservative Party of Canada for daring to legislate away the rights of the Unionized “Government” employees.

It is most interesting what N.D.P. MP Thomas Mulcair has to say, so please listen. Then you be the judge, and are the NDP a bunch of HYPICRITES or what? Really , they are not interested in fighting for injured workers to get their rights back …WHY?