Thursday, April 23, 2009

British Columbia Injured Worker

... Speaks Up About The Day Of Mourning

April 28 was set aside to morn the death of workers killed on the job. It should be named the day of infamy because people like Jim Sinclair from the BC Federation of Labour and all the labour federations across the country,use this day to get up on the stage with the WCB and the Department of Labour,and the New Democratic Party, the very people that drive injured workers into going bankrupt.

They also help blacklist injured workers because of their injuries, they cause the destruction of the family unit and in a lot of cases,the most extreme cases, they cause the suicide of the injured worker.

It should also be noted, that the union of WorksafeBC , you know the "government" union will be represented by Jim Sinclair and the political voice for the B.C. Federation of Labour will be there as well, playing their part..yes you got it the NDP. So when you look at all of those arse kisser on the stage, you remember this..these are the very BASTARDS who destroyed your life and your families life.

Do yourself a favour and inform the people of B.C. that the NDP are every bit as evil as the Liberals and do not vote, because if you do...then you will only be empowering your abusers.

By Derrick Fernie
Vice President of the Injured and Abused Workers Coalition