Injured Workers Call On Business Organizations, like CFIB
Injured workers in Nova Scotia and across Canada appeal to the membership of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and The Canadian Federation of Independent Small Business to return to injured workers their rights, that they have had taken away by "your" insurance provider, the Workers Compensation Boards in Canada. We want; the right to be treated as every other Canadian citizen is, according to section 15.1 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
This is a letter addressed to me, Wayne Coady from the law firm Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales .... confirming injured workers have no rights when it comes to bringing civil action against employers. In other words we are not only disadvantaged because of our injuries ...but we are further disadvantaged because of this "BAD FAITH LAW" called the Workers Compensation Act. This has to be the lowest form of discrimination place upon humans in a "civil society" .Please read the letter HERE.
I have many more similar letters whereby the business community take great pleasure through their lawyers informing me that injured workers have no rights. Imagine that... we the injured worker is more likely to be discriminated against, not because of race or color, but simply because we are a victim of a workplace accident, so does that make us lesser citizens, than those of a different race or color, who are protected by the Canadian Charter? .
It makes it easier to understand why politicians in Ottawa do not want to listen to injured workers concers now, when you see a former Cabinet Minister sitting as the President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. How can anyone consider themselve to be Honourable when they and their association finance these abusive WCB Boards in Canada?
Our rights have been stolen away by the businesses that finance this system known as the Workers Compensation Program, through legislation known as the Workers Compensation Act.
This legislation places injured workers at a major disadvantage and has resulted in far too many suicides because of the frustration these WCB Boards impose upon us. The WCB system is a denial program, forcing many injured workers into poverty. In the weeks ahead, I will explore the cause behind suicide within the injured worker familiy and in time, the families affected will speakout. The pain and hurt must stop and stop now and those politicians and their parties who turn their backs on us must be challenged.
The Workers Advisor Program is a joke and next week I will explain how that workrs. It was in 1999 and the Chief Workers Advisor Ann Clark informed me in a letter, that injured workers had no rights.
April 28th is a day of mourning for injured workers who died because of a workplace accident. Well , it is about time someone remembered those injured workers who were forced to take their own life...because of this abusive Workers Compensation system. Why haven't they been remembered ? or is the truth being buried with those poor souls?